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Quack Philosophies

Much has been said about the Da Vinci Code fiction book. There has been much oversight on the part of the author, which is summarized in the following points:

bulletThe author offers no new hope for humanity
bulletThe author based his novel on rejected philosophies which did not stand the test of time
bulletGnostic Christianity was not the only form of early Christianity, there were many other 'false gospels' circulating at the time of true Christianity as expounded by the apostle Paul
bulletThere were many attempts by various groups of people who attempted to discredit Christ, writing texts to gather a following.
bulletChristianity as we know it today survived the test of time; it has given hope to many
bulletThere were many wrong philosophies and mysticism which crept into certain branches of Christianity, which are not a true part of Christianity
bulletSome of medieval art do not represent true Christianity; some were the work of deviant artists.
bulletThere is a True God, who ensures that His inspired words are known to all people through the last 2000 years, and not hidden in some unknown cave.

It is interesting to note the point that Gnosticism reached India, and the question is raised whether Gnosticism influenced Bhuddism, or Bhuddism influenced Gnosticism.




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Last modified: February 11, 2005